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Saturday 10 September 2011

The Valentines - Landslide (2011)  Fan video using elements from The Hunger (1983)

VHS capture , black and white filter

Using repetition to accent key moments , always the same , always different .  4:3 is fast becoming  long forgotten  but I love the claustrophobia it tends to bring .

Thursday 8 September 2011

This be the Verse (2011) Single screen version of 6 screen Installation

"They fuck you up your, mum and dad . They may not mean to but they do .
 They fill you with the faults they had . And add some extra just for you .
 But they were fucked up in their turn . By fools in old-style hats and coats ,
 Who half the time were soppy-stern . And half at one anothers throats .
 Man hands on misery to man . It deepens like a coastal shelf .
 Get out as early as you can . And don't have any kids yourself. "

 Philip Larkin

Myo - Inositol Trispyrophosphate (2011) 

Registry Number : 802590-64-3                         
Formula : C6 H12 O21 P6                                   
Boiling Point 862.3 + 75.0 c Press: 760 Torr         
Carbon -13 NMR See Spectrum
Density 2.41_+0.1 g/cm3 Temp: 20 c
Press: 760 Torr
Enthalpy of 136.00 + 6.0 Kj/mol Press: 760 Torr

Thankful for your cooperation (2010) 8mm triptych installed inside Rottingdean Windmill

This work explores notions of memory , loss and the fragile and contingent nature of the experiences and thoughts that make us . The central cortex is framed by an idle mill which is a cogent symbol of adversity .

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Chip n a chair (2010) hi 8mm film . Joint work with Julia Rowe (Chaz)

The average chipmunk will live 2-3 years and can carry up to 9 nuts at a time .

Shire (2003) 8mm triptych , video is of a 2010 installation .

Concerned with the sublimatory nature of art and human achievement this work also (perhaps) expresses a yearning for the simpler times and processes that have been lost in our quest for technological advancement . The work also addresses the notion of memory as being intrinsically anachronistic and how such memories enable us to move effortlessly through time . The configuration of defunct display units (technologically advanced given the context) might help lock the installed work into some kind of paradoxical futuristic anachronism .

The Horse and plough ( literally scraping at the earth )  denote a place of juncture ( above and below the ground) , a place between realms , be they physical , psychological , spiritual , earthly etc. The twin images may well be representative of chaotic nature (dionysian) whilst the plough might be represent our effort to exercise control over her  (appollonian) . Intrinsic to this idea is the notion of the chthonian, that which lurks under the crust . " Nature shrugs and all is in ruin" which is the essence of the work ... Life is a fragile and delicately balanced quest to maintain a semblance of control over forces which are ultimately far too powerful.

Miasma (2003) 8mm Triptych intended for 3 projectors .

" Man , the sexual conceptualizer and projector , has ruled art because art is his Appollonian response toward and away from women ... Every artist who is compelled toward art , who needs to make words or pictures as others need to breathe , is using the Appollonian to defeat Chthonian nature , Man is fetishist . Without his fetish woman will just gobble him up again."

Camille Paglia
Eden (2003) 8mm ( Intended for 3 screens synched in a triangular arrangement ,  front middle ,  left rear ,  right rear )

" Incarnate devil in a talking snake
  The central plains of asia in his garden
  In shaping time the circle stung awake
  In shapes of sin forked out the bearded apple ."

  Dylan Thomas

Territorial Pissings (2001)  Super 8mm 

" Fame requires every kind of excess . I mean true fame , a devouring neon, not the somber renown of waning statesmen or chinless kings . I mean long journeys across gray space . I mean danger , the edge of every void , the circumstance of one man imparting an erotic terror to the dreams of the republic . Understand the man who must inhabit these extreme regions , monstrous and vulval , damp with memories of violation . Even if half-mad he is absorbed into the public's total madness : even if fully rational , a bureaucrat in hell , a secret genius of survival , he is sure to be destroyed by the public's contempt for survivors . Fame , this special kind , feeds itself on outrage , on what the counselors of lesser men would consider bad publicity - hysteria in limousines , knife fights in the audience , bizarre litigation , treachery , pandemonium and drugs . Perhaps the only natural law attaching to true fame is that the famous man is compelled , eventually , to commit suicide .

(Is it clear I was a hero of rock'n'roll?) "

Don Delillo

No Place like home (2001)

"Home is the structure , the center  , the vessel of identity , it is both the point of origin and the destination of the road , and as such most traditional narratives involve flight and return , fragmentation and reconciliation .. This double bind leaves only one exit to glory : temporal death , whereby one enters the American metaphysical kingdom like James Dean , by dying and becoming an absense that is present as an afterimage in the dreams of the surviving : to be an American myth . To pass this exit is to meet either failure or farce. "

Reni Celeste
Lolita (2001)

Short , incomplete film utilising seemingly disparate elements to create a new whole . Spoken text from the Nabokov novel .

Suture (2001) . Originally intended for screening utilising 3 projectors .

Lacan saw the human psyche as comprising a succession of minor roads and highways . The most important highway being "the name of the father" the symbolic side of paternity concerned with situating the subject within language and symbolism . Psychosis can occur when this major highway becomes lost and the subject regresses into the realm of the "real" ( that which exists outside language and symbolism ).

Laudanum for the Soul (2000)

Single screen work exploring the notion of tv entertainment in the 21st century .